Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dr. King as a Mild Sedative in the Classroom (No School Nurse Needed)

…I’ve always known we’ve done a poor job of teaching Black history, but as of the last few days it’s so clear to me why history classrooms reference Dr. Martin Luther King almost as if he’s the only significant civil rights activist.  It’s not because of his effectiveness; truthfully speaking, if we wanna talk about effectiveness, we’d do better to talk about the brilliant organizer A. Philip Randolph who, behind the scenes, made that fateful marching day and so many others possible.  Or, we’d talk more about Thurgood Marshall, who won the cases and made the rulings that secured our futures on paper and not just in romantic demonstrations. 

Nope.  We don’t teach Dr. King because of his effectiveness; we teach Dr. King because it’s our way of protecting the status quo.  Our way of reminding the actors in the civil rights stage play of their ‘proper roles’.  “Okay, this is our routine, guys:  we do the brutalizing, and you sit there and take it and catch us on camera, then you give the powerful speech, and that’ll bring the change.”

This is what folks have been trying to feed me for the last few days (like I’m not a history teacher, right).  They were disturbed by the fact that I’ve been watching the Baltimore uprisings and saying, “…Well it’s about time.  Long overdue.”

Am I an advocate of violence?  Certainly not.  Nevermind the Boston Tea Party, Storming of the Bastille, American Revolution, Haitian Revolution, Zoot Suit Riots, Harlem Riots --- fruitless endeavors, nothing good came from any of that stuff.  But I will say, I get violently upset when people take bits and pieces of Dr. King’s rhetoric and use them to barricade this country from change, to deny the real problems by victim-blaming, or to mask their support of oppression and those who enforce it…


Nope.  People only pull out the Dr. King rhetoric when it applies to the underclass, and it’s clear to me today more than ever that that’s the point--- push Dr. King’s rhetoric in schools to teach the underclass to be placid and pleasant in all their responses; teach the underclass that peace and pleasantry is always worth it, with or without progress.  But even that is a slap in the face to the man that was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; that’s MLK abridged.  MLK diluted.  MLK-Lite.

 I’ve had to remind several “fans” of Dr. King who Dr. King really was--- a man who believed in peace and condemned violence, but a man who said that violence is what you get when you don’t listen to your impoverished, uneducated, destitute, disenfranchised, defeated masses.  He was a man who believed in peace and condemned violence, but who would absolutely break the law if he felt the law was unjust.  He was a man that counted on the violence of the Oppressor to be his validation, capturing every brutal beating and every hosing and every dog bite on film to bring America to justice.

…But this is what some idiots out there don’t understand:  the Oppressor has outlived King.  You see, the Oppressor is a living being; it thinks, it adapts, it evolves.  Over time, while Dr. King has been resting and while a diluted version of his rhetoric has been sedating generations of underprivileged youths in our schools, the Oppressor has been recalibrating his offensive. 

In 2015, the Oppressor can now choke Eric Garner to death on camera as he huffs, “I can’t breathe” 11 times… and be acquitted; then attempt to incarcerate Ramsey Orta for merely capturing the truth on film.  In 2015, the Oppressor can kill an innocent child named Aiyana Stanley-Jones in her sleep with a headshot, admit to improper procedure in court, admit to invading the wrong house in court… and be acquitted with impunity.  The Oppressor can seize a gravely injured Freddie Gray on camera, deny him the medical treatment necessary to save his life, and be absolved of responsibility.  All this to the backdrop of marches, speeches, tears, songs, media coverage, and every other peaceful method you can summon under the sun.
Ladies and gentlemen, THE OPPRESSOR HAS EVOLVED.  And the Oppressor LOVES MLK.  …MLK-Lite, that is.

The Dr. King who the Oppressor doesn't love is the Dr. King who said it’s time to end poverty in America; the Dr. King who said let’s get to the ROOT of the problem instead of just dealing with the FRUIT of the problem.   THAT Dr. King… the Oppressor put a bullet in him…. as well as in JFK for being his ally.  And it’s funny because, in 2015, I think the Oppressor STILL wants to put a bullet in him.   Judging by the response I get as I pose these questions:  "Why did you sit there and watch The Wire, see the poverty, the desperation, the corruption, and say nothing, but wait until the people of Baltimore had had enough to all-of-a-sudden summon your Dr. King-isms?  Why can you quote the ‘King of Peace’, but not quote the ‘King of Economic Equality’ or the ‘King of Riot Empathy’?  Why did no one care about Baltimore BEFORE it exploded?"

…Never quote Dr. King to a history teacher; it’s my job to know the truth, not to fall for the twist. And the Dr. King these people are summoning is as twisted as Freddie Gray’s spine.

Let’s talk further:  for you to be summoning King-rhetoric, where is this generation’s A. Philip Randolph to accompany it?  Because without Randolph, The Great Organizer, King’s rhetoric alone wouldn’t have gotten the job done.  Where is this generation’s Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall?  Because without Marshall’s mastery of law, King’s rhetoric alone wouldn’t have gotten the job done.  Where is this generation’s JFK?  It’s certainly not Obama; Obama has yet to call one killer cop a criminal the way he’s referred to the rioters.  Please, for the love of God, we’ve got to stop openly blaming the victims while hesitating to blame the bullies.  Chastising the Oppressed who retaliates, but pardoning the Oppressor who instigates.  Taking Dr. King out of context, projecting him to have been a one-man revolution who saved the world by just telling Black people to chill.  We are packaging and shipping a warped and diluted version of King’s image in schools for teachers to raise up seas of Stepin Fetchets who only know how to respond with footwork, picket signs, and colorful speeches… for a few weeks…  to no avail.  Thinking all violent courses of action to be inhuman--- though amusing at hockey championships and college sporting events. 

If we’re gonna preach and insist upon peace in the face of violence, we should at least be able to
demonstrate that peace will actually avail more than King-nostalgia.  Because a laundry list of police acquittals say otherwise.  Again, I’m not an advocate for violence.  I’m just also not an advocate for sedating the masses with piecemeal King rhetoric.  Or for shaming the underprivileged for outbursts while absolving bigots and bullies of responsibility for their instigation and antagonizing. 

…You know what’s funny?  As much as this country swears by Dr. King and peaceful methods, when given the choice between riots in Baltimore and a peaceful protest march 10,000 strong in that same Baltimore, the media chooses to emphasize the rioting.  When given the choice between riots in Baltimore and a coming together of Bloods, Crips, Pirus, GDs, and the Nation of Islam to STOP the riots the media not only chooses the rioting, but lies and says that they’re coming together not to stop looting, but to kill cops.  And as I’m telling you this, none of these MLK-pacifiers--- not pacifists, pacifiers--- is going to go back and say, “SHAME ON THE MEDIA!”  None of them will say, “SHAME ON THE PEOPLE WHO THREW OBJECTS AT AND SHOUTED RACIAL SLURS AT PEACEFUL PROTESTORS TO ANTAGONIZE THEM!”  None of them will say, “SHAME ON THE OFFICERS WHO MADE BALTIMORE’S CHILDREN GET OFF SCHOOL BUSES AND LEFT THEM STRANDED AND LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES IN THE MIDDLE OF A CRISIS!”  But if they were really about what Dr. King was about, THAT would be their focus.  They would have spoken up looong before the first fires of Baltimore broke.  #HERELIESEDUCATION

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